No need to lobby for rights? …

“Young women you will be the ones who will provide the example of virtuous womanhood and motherhood.  You will continue to be virtuous  lovely praiseworthy and of good report. You will also be the ones to provide an example of family life in a time when families are under attack, being redefined and disintegrating. You will understand your roles and your responsibilities and thus will see no need to lobby for rights.“–Elaine S. Dalton, YW General President, January 15, 2013.

Um. What?

First of all, no. Our roles and responsibilities are as children of God, equal in the eyes of our Heavenly Parents, and if there is inequality in this world or denial of rights (which there are toward women…hate to break it to you) then we better be the first ones to lobby for those rights. Because we spend so much time teaching our young women about their individual worth and divine nature. What better way to prove those traits than to ensure they are treated equally in this world, and denied no rights?

Second of all, this was broadcast to parts of the world where honor killings are a thing, for example. And that makes me extremely uncomfortable.  Because those women should absolutely be lobbying for rights.

Thirdly, how the heck is she getting away with saying that in UTAH…where people are FREAKING OUT about not being able to buy military grade weapons because it might take away their rights. And she’s standing there and saying “Rights? Who need them! A daughter of God should be concerned with something so trivial as rights!”

In essence, I feel like this is saying “Ladies, just accept what you get.” And it sounds eerily similar to the old anti-suffrage adage “Women–know your place.” That is no way to go through life. That is no way to empower young women of this church, and of this world.

Elaine S. Dalton–I believe you were well intentioned, and perhaps you did not mean to imply what you did. But you need to realize your responsibility and position. Watch what you say. And if that quote ever gets handed to my daughters on some cute handout years from now in their Young Women’s class, I will be furious. Out of my mind furious.

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2 Responses to No need to lobby for rights? …

  1. Stan says:

    Is it just me that thinks this Dalton woman has a crazy look in her eyes and a “Stepford Wife” appearance?

  2. ha ha. I don’t know if I would go that far, but I do feel like we would both agree that the “primary voice” most women in church leadership use (with the notable exceptions of President Emeritus Julie B. Beck and Cheiko Okasaki)

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